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To Change Utah’s Dixie

  Therapists are gifted with a unique understanding to ‘get’ both sides of an argument. This comes in handy in couples therapy when it’s important to detect the underlying message both partners are trying to convey but clearly can’t verbalize. This is no different for political factors and this is probably why many therapists are considered progressive, because we ‘get’ your stance and we value emotions and feelings. However, we also are taught to understand if decisions being made aren’t necessarily healthy and can have more negative consequences than positive.   I have to admit, I’m not a native of St. George, although my dad has lived there since I was 9 years old and I can still recall the excitement of visiting during the summers, going to the Pizza Factory or having the opportunity to attend some of the coolest and loudest 4th of July shows. It has a lot of unique, rich history attached to it, coupled with what is a robust, growing economy that cannot be contained with p...

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